Monday, September 24, 2007

Communicating the Risk

Education is an element in our society that is taken for granted. In the midst of conflict in the Middle East, education is a necessity that Israel is lacking. This situation is definitely a serious one which needs to be addressed as soon as possible. As many people experience in our society in the United States, most public education is sufficient and meets credentials created by the government. In the case of Israel, this is simply not the case. As more and more attention is paid to the issues of peace keeping in the Middle East and defense of the country, funding is taken from educational programs in order to pay for these other expenses. This concern of education is an urgent one, and one that needs a plan and participants in order to carry out. My intentions here are to inform the Jewish community of this issue and encourage them to volunteer their time, money, and materials to help dissolve the problem at hand.

In communicating this risk, it is essential to provide substantial information and facts about the education problems in Israel and how they affect the audience. The issue at hand would best fit somewhere between care and consensus communication approach. Given that the situation is not an immediate threat or danger to the audience, crisis communication would not be a best fit communication tactic in order to inform the community of the risk. The concern for funding of public educational programs in Israel is one that has been around since the establishment of the country. Therefore, there have been numerous efforts to address this specific issue by experts as well as the general audience. The reason I would also place it under the category of consensus communication is because my main goal is to inform and encourage action to be taken in order to work together for this achievement of higher standards for public education.

A significant issue that is necessary to address is the analysis of my audience as well as my qualifications as a risk communicator. I need to be able to connect with my audience in a way that will ensure their trust in me. Through my experiences with the public education system in Israel, I hope to gain trust and authority that my audience will be attentive to. My goal is to make them realize that the issue I am raising is serious and they as an audience are in a special position to take action. It is crucial to get substantial facts about the public education across to the audience in a fashion in which they can relate and understand. Interest and desire to get involved will result from showing the audience that this issue impacts them directly as well as. By combining consensus and care communication, I hope to reach my audience and convince them that the revival of the public education system in Israel is an important problem that they can contribute to.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Issue

There is a major challenge facing a country in the Middle East today that has nothing to do with war, terrorism, or hatred. The issue of public education in Israel is a problem affecting the entire country and has been since the establishment of the state. Public education is a subject that has an impact on the entire country, but specifically the huge number of immigrants who have migrated to Israel from 70 different countries. The risk presented here is if the issue of education is continually shoved under the rug, the future of the country will be questionable. If the government continues to ignore the educational aid needed, the country as a whole will suffer. The idea of education is to teach younger generations how to make a brighter and better future for themselves and their peers. This issue is important because as well as raising money and volunteer efforts for the army, we need to focus on the children who will be the future of this country.

There are numerous explanations as to why this situation has become a more serious issue over the years. The State of Israel is a country that has been through a constant struggle to survive since its establishment. The idea of the prime minister and his administration taking their focus off of our enemies for one moment is frightening and unappealing. The result of this fear is the education system in the country failing, and the children suffering from it. Another reason for the decreasing public education funding is immigration. As more and more immigrants come to Israel from all over the world, there is a substantial focus on helping them integrate into Israeli society as efficiently as possible.

This range of this situation affects the future citizens of Israel. After living in a low-income community in Israel and teaching students English at their public elementary schools, I could see the effects of the poor educational system. These children are the future of their country and they are not given the opportunity to learn about leadership skills, morals, relationships with others, responsibilities, etc. The main reason for these issues occurring is that funding for educational supplies, programs, and staff is diminishing. The State of Israel is a country that has to fight for existence every day and if the younger generations don’t learn the necessary skills to use in the real world, who will be the future leaders of the country?

It is the responsibility of the Jewish community in the U.S. and around the world to act on its behalf. As Israel’s public education funding is decreasing, younger generations are being effected with less opportunity to succeed. While the citizens of Israel are focused on issues of security, the Jewish communities in the U.S. need to help their people from a distance with supplies, funding, and even directly by volunteering. My goal is to communicate the risk of letting this matter get further out of control.

Topic Ideas

Becoming a political science major was of no surprise considering my wide range of interest in global politics and international social issues. Placing my focus on world politics and global studies has given me the opportunity to learn about a wide range of issues, whether in World or American politics. There are many factors of risk surrounding our everyday lives, but what some people may not realize is that affects of international risks have an impact on our everyday lives as well.

One possible concern I may want to explore throughout this semester includes the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Instead of heading straight for the books at university after high school, I decided to participate in a year long program in Israel. While on the program I lived in communities, volunteered, and also studied a variety of topics. During that year, I learned (among many other things) that this cluster of countries in the Middle East has a profound impact on world politics and issues across international borders. There is plenty of risk involving this issue that needs to be expressed to people who simply don’t know what is going on in the world around them.

Another issue that is eminent in my area of interest includes Global Warming. This is a rapidly growing risk for the entire world that can be prevented. Sadly the situation is that not everyone believes in global warming, and not everyone is eager enough to do something about it. This concern needs to be conveyed to people in a way in which there is no denying it. Global warming is an issue that is already affecting people around the world in different ways, and it is important to address the risks in rejecting it.

Finally, my last possible concern to explore this semester is international poverty, specifically among youth. Many people don’t consider this a risk because it doesn’t seem to affect their standard of living. But when a statistic is brought to an audience’s attention for example, half of the world lives on less than two dollars a day (, it seems to open some eyes. Poverty has strong links to disease, mental illness, drug use, crime, illiteracy, and mortality (infant and malnutrition). Poverty is an issue that concerns people of every country around the world. By communicating this ongoing risk, people may become more aware of how big of a toll poverty takes on our society.

All three of these risks are interesting because they are of such high magnitude and influence people globally. Similarly, they can be addressed and improved with substantial information. This information should be communicated to a variety of audiences, those whom are directly as well as indirectly related to these situations because ultimately they affect everyone. By offering information on global risks and how to prevent or help them, people will be able to make changes in their daily lives consciously, in efforts to improve these global concerns.